Choosing a lifetime partner can be both an exciting and anxious process. You may wonder how strong or healthy the relationship really is or if you both share the same values and are on the same page about things that are important to you. Whether you are looking to take the next step in your relationship or if If you are thinking about the future with your partner and are wondering how compatible you both really are, the Prepare/Enrich assessment may be a useful tool to help identify the strengths and weaknesses in the relationship.
The Prepare/Enrich assessment is a research based assessment tool that utilizes 12 different relationship categories to measure each partners level of satisfaction and identifies how aligned the couple is in each of these categories. By highlighting the areas where the couple is satisfied and aligned in these issues as well as areas where they are not, the couple can identify what issues they can work on to strengthen their relationship.
Here is a list of common relationship problems that we can support you with:
Communication Issues
Frequent Conflicts
Cultural Differences
Lack of Intimacy